I am still in Pai. On Sunday I make my way south first to Chiang Mai, then Bangkok and on Tuesday to Cambodia. After lots of changing of mind I am after all going to Angkor. It seems crazy to be soo close to a place I so wanted to visit and not do it. Pai is still relaxing. Well, apart from today when Maya, my Israeli friend, finally managed to convince me to go on an elephant ride. I did not want to go for numerous reasons, but she wanted so much that I gave into it. So Mickey, a 22 year old Israeli boy, Maya and I rode towards the elephant "farms". I disliked seeing the elephants tied by chains, did not feel like going, and when someone tried to explain me that riding tourists is nicer than "carrying wood" I was certain I should not do it. Elephants should just be in reservations I think. But Maya could not go alone, so we agreed to go. Neither Mickey or I were really into the elephant tourist trap experience, but Maya not only convinced us but managed to make us get the full experience " riding through the jungle and bathing in the river!"
We were given a guide that spoke not a single word of English, and led to to climb a platform from which we could get onto the elephant. The nice guide, carried a tool that had something like a hook made of iron to make sure the elephant obeyed him... As soon as we sat on the elephant we cracked up. I have ridden horses and camels, so I was prepared for the moving of the elephants. We did not have a proper seat like you usually see in films, but a blanket. I always sat on the back but Maya and Mickey alternated between middle and head. As soon as we entered the "jungle" the ride became increasingly scaring. I could not breathe so much I laughed. Our guide seemed to enjoy a lot the fact that I could not breathe from laughter. So he chose the most dangerous paths. Over trunks of trees, and land slides, and rocks, and narrow paths and so on. And as he could not speak English we could not explain him that a "reitred florida old couple" ride would be preferable. By the time we were getting close to the river I was convinced I did not want to go into it. So when I saw a big tree I literally jumped from the elephant into the tree and abandoned the ride. I stood in the perfect place to take pictures and and watch Maya and Mickey in total despair. Had I laughed any harder I would have fallen out of the tree.
The elephant did not seem to want to bathe. The guide did not seem to understand that Mickey and Maya did not mind. So he hit the elephant into the laying down. The elephant did not move. Then he lifted his tail and defecated. Still being pulled down he collapsed entirely immersing his head under water. All I could see was M and M scared, and Maya saying " I think the elephant died!" But then the elephant moved up and collapsed to one side dropping Maya out of his back into his shit. I could not breathe so much I laughed. The confusion was immense. The elephant collapsing, the guide not understanding English, M and M already done with the bathing experience, the guide making the elephant throw water with his trunk over the two of them. I watched from the tree quite relieved I had not joined them.
13 comentários:
Taiwan's flooding caused by the disaster, let us love to play together to help those in need of help, and now you need to do is click on any one keyword for each link will be sponsored by the NT one dollar, let us work together to create world peace ~ thank you!
旅遊 法拍屋 服飾
婦產科 大陸外籍新娘 新娘
納豆保健食品 瑜珈教室
彌月蛋糕 汽車旅館MOTEL 台中住宿
清潔公司 法拍屋 看護
隔熱紙 seo 網路行銷
整形外科 看護 整形
室內設計 系統傢俱 網頁設計
柴犬 哈士奇 網頁設計
防爆工具 瑜珈 機票
Love Without Borders, in response to Taiwan's 88 flood, please go to my site ~ Thank you for blessing the whole world!
雲林立委候選人張艮輝於會場上表達一貫堅持的參選理念,「一份理想、2 個希望、 3大改變」,並藉盛會為台灣祈福,場上的台灣加油地圖由地方代表等數十人點燃230支蠟燭,代表為台灣加油並點亮台灣因受88水災所面臨的黑暗期,在點燃蠟燭的同時,張艮輝也宣讀為台灣祈福文表示願為台灣這塊土地承受所有苦難。
I wish you health and happiness every day!
Ich wünsche Ihnen Glück und Gesundheit jeden Tag!
Je vous souhaite santé et bonheur chaque jour!
Recommend some of Taiwan's high-quality sites so that you do reference and to share ~ and we wish everyone peace and happiness!
Insulation paper:隔熱紙,health foods:保健食品,Baby Cakes:彌月蛋糕
Kaohsiung County Tourism:高雄縣旅遊,>Kaohsiung yoga:高雄瑜珈,Shiba Inu:柴犬
Kenting Tourism:墾丁旅遊,cleaning companies清潔公司,cheese cake:乳酪蛋糕
Clothing wholesale:服飾批發,Vietnamese brides:越南新娘,brides from mainland China:大陸新娘
Shaping:整形,MOTEL:MOTEL,Japanese clothing:日系服飾
Jelly silicone:果凍矽膠,brides from mainland China:外籍新娘,Kaohsiung Tourism:高雄旅遊
Cake:蛋糕,yoga classes:瑜珈教室,Torque Wrench:扭力板手
Internet marketing:網路行銷,website ranking:網站排名,seo:seo
Types of chocolate:
Commercially available chocolate and chocolate can be divided into thermostat thermostat-free chocolate, the so-called free thermostat chocolate, is chocolate containing cocoa butter composition of the separation, and then replace the cocoa butter to vegetable oils, due to low prices, easy and in the is not easy to melt under high ambient temperature have been widely used in commercial purposes, the French chocolate Technology Normal University are reluctant to use the thermostat-free chocolate.
Dalai Lama's public trip from August 31 to September 2. Dalai Lama plans on the 30th night entry from Taoyuan International Airport, 31 Chinese and foreign journalists will be held the morning, afternoon, and visits prospecting disaster victims, on the 1st of the trip was a public speech and the victims of the village, a modern place in Kaohsiung City Comprehensive Stadium, 2 No. Han God Dome Banquet Hall with Cardinal Paul Shan Kuo-hsi of the talk.
Confidence, perseverance, courage, all three in place, then the world is not impossible to do things.
On the ground planted vegetables, it is unlikely that long grass; the hearts of the good, it is unlikely that health evil.
Sur le terrain planté de légumes, il est peu probable que l'herbe longue, le cœur du bien, il est peu probable que le mal de la santé.
Auf dem Boden gepflanzt Gemüse, ist es unwahrscheinlich, dass die hohen Gras, die Herzen der gut ist, ist es unwahrscheinlich, dass die Gesundheit das Böse.
We owe it to someone else's achievements in health and thus feel joy, depending on the success of others as if their achievements, and this is the Buddha mind. Always hold the interests of all sentient beings of the heart, we can not leave the joy forever.
Do the right thing is smart to do should not do is ignorance.
I wish you health and happiness every day!
Ich wunsche Ihnen Gluck und Gesundheit jeden Tag!
Je vous souhaite sante et bonheur chaque jour!
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納豆 保健食品要如何選擇呢?
外籍新娘 大陸新娘 越南新娘這些都是一生一世最專業的服務與選擇。
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